
Monday, November 28 Tuesday, November 29
9:00am Welcome
9:05am Steven Carnie Shibu Saw
9:30am Stephen Hannam Philipp Schoenhoefer
9:55am Gerd Schröder-Turk Adrian Menzel
10:20am Morning Tea Morning Tea
11:00am Matthew King Alan Mark
11:25am Matthew Downton Joseph Johnson
11:50am Maryna Vlasiuk Derek Chan
12:15pm Malcolm Ramsay Anthony Stickland
12:40pm Lunch Lunch
2:25pm Sanath Kahagalage Dave Dunstan
2:50pm David Ostler Peter Harrowell
3:15pm Joost van der Linden Mihail Popescu
3:40pm Afternoon Tea Afternoon Tea
4:20pm Marsel Gokovi David Huang
4:45pm Kirill Glavatskiy Ravi Jagadeeshan
5:10pm Yuan-Chao Hu Igor Shvab
5:35pm End Presentation of student prize and farewell
6:30pm Dinner at Lemongrass Thai Restaurant

  • The venue is Lecture Theatre 1, Old Geology Building.
  • Feel free to arrive at the lecture theatre from 8:30am on Monday to collect your name badge and programme, but you are also welcome to do this during morning tea.
  • My best guess is that we will finish at about 5:45pm on Tuesday.


Steven Carnie University of Melbourne Slip sliding away: how a bubble slips along a hydrophilic surface
Derek Chan University of Melbourne and Swinburne University of Technology Dynamics of aerated powder beds
Nathan Clisby University of Melbourne
Peter Daivis RMIT University
Matthew Downton IBM Research Cell-veto Monte Carlo simulations of liquid water
Dave Dunstan The University of Melbourne Modelling polymers as elastic spheres in Couette flow
Ian Enting University of Melbourne
Elmira Fadaei-Azar None
Dhefaf Faisal Swinburne University
Kirill Glavatskiy The University of Queensland Thermodynamics resistance of the surface of nanoporous membranes
Marsel Gokovi University of Queensland Structure and Diffusion of Charged, Confined Particles
Stephen Hannam RMIT University Molecular dynamics calculations of the intermediate scattering functions for a model colloidal fluid with explicit solvent
Peter Harrowell University of Sydney Mechanical Properties of Inhomogeneous Materials: What we Learn from Normal Modes
Yuan-Chao Hu Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong Density scaling of glassy dynamics and dynamic heterogeneities in glass-forming liquids
David Huang The University of Adelaide Magnetic fields and morphology in singlet fission and triplet fusion
Tom Hunt IIT
Ravi Jagadeeshan Monash University Stretch-relaxation of DNA molecules in semidilute solutions
Owen Jepps Griffith University
Joseph Johnson University of Melbourne Approximate Solution to the Boltzmann Equation at Arbitrary Knudsen Number
Sanath Kahagalage School of Mathematics and Statistics, the University of Melbourne Emergence of cracks along force bottlenecks in a cementitious granular material
Sridhar Kannam IBM Research, Australia
Matthew King Griffith University Relaxation in a harmonic potential
Daniel Ladiges The University of Melbourne
Daniel Lester RMIT
Ruru Li RMIT University
Alan Mark University of Queensland Perturbation approaches for the paramaterization of solvation free energies and the properties of simply liquids
Adrian Menzel RMIT University Planar Poiseuille Flow of Highly Confined Polymer Solutions
Ashwin Nandagiri Monash University, IITBombay (India)
Alex Nunn The University of Melbourne
Timothy O'Sullivan University of Melbourne
David Ostler Swinburne University Electropumping of water through functionalised carbon nanotubes
Mihail Popescu Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Dept. Theory of Inhomogeneous Condensed Matter Chemically active colloids near osmotic-responsive walls with surface-chemistry patterns: from artificial thigmo-taxis to pattern-guided motion
Sebastian Pucilowski University of Melbourne
Malcolm Ramsay University of Sydney The coupling of translational and rotational motion in supercooled molecular liquids
Nastaran Rezaee Swinburne University
Shibu Saw The University of Sydney Structure, dynamics and rigidity at the crystal-glass interface
Philipp Schoenhoefer Murdoch University A Bicontinuous Gyroid Phase in Purely Entropic Self-Assembly of Hard Pears
Gerd Schröder-Turk Murdoch University Beyond the percolation universality class: the vertex split model for tetravalent lattices
Naijian Shen University of Melbourne
Igor Shvab Newcastle University, UK Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of nanoparticle precipitation: application to cement hydration
Anthony Stickland The University of Melbourne Inter-particle Friction and Bulk Rheology of Suspensions
Qiang Sun University of Melbourne
Billy Todd Swinburne University of Technology
Alfred Uhlherr '-
Maryna Vlasiuk Centre for Molecular Simulation, Swinburne University of Technology Molecular simulation of the thermodynamic, structural and vapour-liquid coexistence properties of neon
Bill van Megen RMIT
Joost van der Linden University of Melbourne Characterising conduction phenomena in granular, porous media